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Table of Contents   ROTHENBURG OB DER TAUBER IS A FAIRYTALE TOWN OF GINGERBREAD BUILDINGS SURROUNDED BY AN IMPRESSIVE MEDIEVAL WALL Map Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany  Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a picturesque fairytale town along the Romantic Road in Bavaria, Germany.  Endless alleys and cobblestoned streets, gingerbread houses, medieval churches and a gorgeous medieval wall surrounds the town.  Today, there are so many things to see and do in Rothenburg ob der Tauber.  But it wasn’t always that way.  Let’s start with a brief history of the town. A BRIEF HISTORY Established in 980, Rothenburg ob der Tauber has had its share of ups and downs throughout history. During the early part of the 16th century, the town was heavily involved in the Peasants’ War and there were gulp… mass executions in the market squares.  Yes, these are the very squares you will walk through in this scenic town.  Then the Thirty Years’ War in 1631 gave birth to the legend of the Meistertrunk or master drinker.  According to legend, the mayor of Rothenburg ob der Tauber guzzled a massive tankard of local wine as part of a bet to save his Protestant town from the invading Catholic army. (Although it makes for a good story, the town was actually forced to pay a massive bribe to the opposing forces after pleas from the children of the town.) SEWAGE Like many medieval cities lacking sewage systems, human excrement ended up in the streets.  Yuck!  Inhabitants were supposed to clean the mess in front of their home twice a week.  Needless to say, this rule wasn’t enforced.  Double yuck!   The town smelled so ripe in the Summer months that the rich packed their bags and fled to the countryside.  PLAGUE Rothenburg ob der Tauber was also besieged with the plague twice in the mid-1600s.  Also known as the Black Death, the plague killed one in three people.  To try to cure the plague the town’s shepherds danced around the city’s drinking wells, which uhh… naturally didn’t work.  After blaming the Jewish population for poisoning the wells, the townspeople expelled all the Jews from the city.  Good times. DESTRUCTION If the plague wasn’t bad enough, Rothenburg ob der Tauber was later captured by Napoleon who sacked the city.  In 1938, the Nazis expelled all of its Jewish inhabitants.  During World War II, roughly 45% of the town was destroyed in Allied bombing raids.  The devastation included 306 houses, six public buildings, nine of the town’s ancient towers and more than 2,000 feet of the historic wall.  In fact, Rothenburg ob der Tauber emerged from World War II mostly as a large pile of rubble.  U.S. Assistant Secretary of War, General John McCloy saved the historic town center from further destruction.  Having heard his mother recall her fond memories of the city, McCloy directed General Jacob Devers to negotiate with the Germans rather than continue to bomb.  To walk the streets today, one would never consider this incredibly checkered past. HOW TO SPEND ONE DAY IN ROTHENBURG OB DER TAUBER We have chosen a handful of things to do in Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber that are not your standard tourist attractions.  These are all cultural activities and will help you get the best feel for the town. EXPLORE THE TOWN Wikimedia Commons The wonder of Rothenburg ob der Tauber frankly, is just being there. One can wander the cobblestone streets for hours — getting lost is magical.  It’s that type of place.  Forget the tourist attractions in the town,12 the best part of this walled town is just taking your time experiencing it.  If you really want to use your time wisely, then walk the town — all of it.  Explore the alleys, the town squares, the moat, the bridges, and the gates.  Get lost.  You will be amazed at the architecture — the detailed masonry, timbered homes, and ancient wooden doors.  Some doors have their original locks.  This is what exploring is all about.  Best of all, it’s FREE. There are numerous attractions throughout the world that are built specifically to look and feel like Rothenburg ob der Tauber (Disney’s Epcot comes to mind).  Take advantage of the real thing and explore every nook and cranny of this quintessential German medieval walled town.  To many, Rothenburg ob der Tauber is one of the star attractions on the Romantikstrasse or Romantic Road — a country route through Bavaria laden with castles and quaint towns. THE MEDIEVAL WALL Rothenburg Turismus Exploring the medieval wall and walking the perimeter around the entire town is a real adventure.  As you walk the wall, look for stones engraved with names of people from all over the world. These are people who “bought” a portion of the wall, as a way to raise money to help rebuild the town after World War II.  Today, Rothenburg ob der Tauber is one of three towns in Germany with completely intact medieval city walls — the other two towns are Nördlingen and Dinkelsbühl.  That’s truly impressive.  If you would like to learn more about the history of the Medieval Wall, then definitely check out The Medieval Wall Tower Trail.  THE CHRISTMAS MARKET Rothenburg Turismus Who doesn’t love a Christmas market?  Well, you will find one of the best right here in the Town Square.  As if there weren’t enough things to do in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, during the month of December, the Christmas market is a wonderful experience and the town comes alive in a different way. Most European towns have their own unique own Christmas markets.  Each market serves gluhwein (mulled wine) in mugs identifiable with the sponsoring city/town. Since they are unique, the mugs make great gifts or souvenirs. You pay a reimbursable deposit (usually Euro 4.00). There are local craftsmen selling their creations.  We bought a really unique hand made bird feeder for my father-in-law.  If you appreciate fine Christmas tree decorations, then you must browse the Käthe Wohlfahrt Christmas Shop — a retailer of gorgeous handblown ornaments and traditional decorations. Other items available include music boxes, nutcrackers, incense holders, wooden Christmas tree ornament and Nativity scenes.  This shop is open year round, so every day is Christmas. MOVIE LOCATIONS Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1 Rothenburg ob der Tauber has appeared in several well known films.  If you are a movie buff, then explore the town to find these film locations.  It was the inspiration for the village in the 1940 Walt Disney classic Pinocchio.  Do you remember the 1968 film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with Dick Van Dyke?  Then you may recognize the town as the village of Vulgaria.  Movie fans often mistake Rothenburg ob der Tauber as the town at the end of the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder.  That town was actually Nördlingen, the Bavarian sister city.  The town was also used as a backdrop in some scenes from The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm.  Lastly, if you play video games then you may recognize the town as village of Lebensbaum in the game

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  UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE Table of Contents AN IMPRESSIVE UNESCO DESIGNATED RATHAUS AND A UNIQUE SMOKED BEER DEFINE THIS MEDIEVAL JEWEL AT THE CONFLUENCE OF TWO RIVERS Map Bamberg, Germany  A UNESCO Heritage Site since 1993, Bamberg is located at the confluence of the Regnitz and Main rivers.    Unique in that it extends over seven hills each crowned by a beautiful church, Bamberg has been dubbed the “Rome of Franconia.”  The town was first mentioned in 902 A.D. With a condensed historical town center, there are several things to do in Bamberg that will be the highlights of your visit. A BRIEF HISTORY For a brief period in the 11th century, Bamberg was the center of the Holy Roman Empire. Pope Benedict VIII visited Bamberg in 1020 and consecrated several of the town’s churches.  The church would dominate much of Bamberg for the next few centuries. From 1626–1631, witch trails consumed Bamberg and neighboring Wurzburg. During the 16th and 17th centuries, portions of the Holy Roman Empire were affected by a “Little Ice Age” that resulted in a drop in temperatures and repeated catastrophic crop failure. Needing a responsible party to blame (and unable to scientifically explain the dramatic climate change), the peasants turned their attention to members of the community they assessed to be engaged in witchcraft. In total, over 1000 individuals would ultimately be tried, executed and held at the Drudenhaus (witch prison), which was built in 1627. In more recent times, Adolf Hitler chose the city in 1926 as the location for the Bamberg Conference — an effort by Hitler to foster unity and stifle dissent within the young Nazi party.  Miraculously, Allied bombs only destroyed 2.6% of Bamberg during WW2 so most of the city was preserved for us to enjoy today. HOW TO SPEND ONE DAY IN BAMBERG  If you like exploring medieval town centers then you will love Bamberg.  Built on the water, this medieval jewel is incredibly unique and scenic.  There are cafes all along the waterfront.  Notably, the town is connected by a series of bridges and cobblestoned alleys that you can wander to your heart’s content.  If you are curious and enjoy discovering ancient streets, there is no shortage of things to see and do in Bamberg.   THE ALTES RATHAUS Bamberg is well known for its famous Brücken (bridges) and Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall).  A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Rathaus is one of the most impressive examples of medieval architecture in the world.  In 1455, Bamberg’s inhabitants built bridges to join the upper and lower towns. The bridges connected on an island located in the middle of the Regnitz River. Uniquely situated on this island is the impressive Altes Rathaus, rebuilt in the 1750s. According to local legend, when the bishop of Bamberg refused to grant land for the construction of a town hall, the citizens went ahead and built the island and the town hall. FOOT BRIDGES The endless bridges that cross the river are what make Bamberg unique.  Explore this town on foot and discover what it has to offer.  This is really one of the main highlights of Bamberg. TUNNELS Bamberg also boasts several underground tunnels beneath the town. The tunnels were originally constructed as mines to supply sandstone. The money from these mines paid for the magnificent structures in the town.  Although mining came to an end in 1920, the 7.5-mile (12.1 km) network of tunnels remained. During WW2, German war-time industry was moved underground to avoid bombs.  German workers pulled 24 hour shifts underground producing spark plugs and electrical components to support the war effort.  Additionally, the tunnels were used as air-raid shelters and could accommodate for 20,000 citizens. Interested in taking a Tunnel Tour?  Learn more here.  Purchase tickets at the Bamberg Tourist Information Center, ADDRESS: Geyerswörthstraße 5, 96047 Bamberg.    OTHER HISTORICAL SITES Other unique historical sites in Bamberg include the 11th century Alte Hofhaltung (Old Palace), the early 12th century Altenburg Castle, and the early 17th century Neue Residenz (New Residence). Also of note is the Klein Venedig (Little Venice), the 17th-century timber constructed fisherman’s quarter located along the Regnitz River near the Altes Rathaus.  These are all located in the same section of town and you will encounter these places around the Altes Rathaus. SMOKED BEER (RAUCH BEER) Want to try something that is distinctly Bamberg-ian?  Bamberg has its own distinct style of beer that harks back to before the industrial age.  You won’t find smoked beer readily available outside of Bamberg.  Replicating an ancient process, the malt for the beer is roasted over a beechwood fire instead of being dried an oven. In this way, the smoke from the fire imparts a distinct smoke flavor when the beer is brewed.  Smoked beer is certainly “different” and worth giving a try.   BREWERIES Like beer?  You have hit the motherlode.  Bamberg is home to nine breweries: Brauerei Fässla, Brauerei Greifenklau, Brauerei Heller-Trum (Schlenkerla), Brauerei Kaiserdom, Keesmann Bräu, Klosterbräu, Mahrs Bräu, and Brauerei Spezial, and a brewpub, Ambräusianum. The most famous Rauchbier breweries are the Schlenkerla Brewery and the Spezial Brewery. Both Schlenkerla and Spezial have pubs featuring their famous brew, which the locals refer to as “liquid bacon.” Zymurgists (beer experts) will appreciate the fact that Schlenkerla is a sixth-generation family brewery established in 1405 who still serves beer the old fashioned way — from wooden barrels. OUR EXPERIENCE SPENDING THE DAY IN BAMBERG What started as a brief side trip en route from Nuremberg to Vienna, turned into a magical evening as we strolled along the streets of this charming medieval town. We parked our vehicle at the spacious Parkhaus Centrum Sud (Parking Garage City Center South) located on Schützenstraße 2. We then walked on foot to the Salino Pizzeria, a fantastic modern Italian restaurant featuring a wood-fired oven. (The pizza and pasta were first-rate.)  Our tummies full and a few glasses of wine later, we hit the streets of the old town, eventually making our way to the Altes Rathaus. The evening lighting on the Altes Rathaus was spectacular and it was well worth the time to stop and admire the beautiful frescoes painted on the structure. We were amazed at the unique construction of the Altes Rathaus –large portions of this magnificent structure appeared to defy gravity as they hovered over the river below. We lost ourselves in the old city and eventually made our way up a winding street to the Bamberg Cathedral, the Alte Hofhaltung, and the Neue Residenz. We explored the top of the hill for a brief period before making our way back to the Old Town. The streets were alive as the overflow crowds from the Rauch (smoked) beer breweries poured onto the cobblestone streets with pints in hand. Strolling through the cobblestone streets of the city at dusk and during the evening hours created an ambiance that harked back to the medieval days.  Overall, we found Bamberg to be a highly explorable city — cute, yet interesting and at times downright intriguing. PRO TIPS AND OTHER THINGS TO DO IN BAMBERG PRO TIP 1.  Bamberg is best explored on foot. Park your vehicle and hit the cobblestone as soon as possible. Alternatively, bicycle paths along the rivers create another means of exploration. PRO TIP 2. Devote the majority of your time exploring the Altes Rathaus, the network of bridges, and the Old Town.  After visiting the major sites, meander down the medieval alleyways in the Old Town. PRO TIP 3.  Visiting the Old Town in the evening creates a certain “medieval mood” that can’t be replicated during the daylight hours. In fact, one feels as though they should be carrying a candle or lantern.  At the Altes Rathaus, take time to gaze at the intricate frescoes painted on the exterior of the building, then step inside to check out the Rococo hall.   NEAR THIS PLACE TRAVEL GUIDE | ROTHENBURG OB DER TAUBER. Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a fairytale Bohemian town of gingerbread buildings surrounded by an impressive medieval wall located along Germany’s Romantic Road. TRAVEL GUIDE | REGENSBURG. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Regensburg has the largest preserved medieval old town north of the Alps. Regensburg also has several fine Roman exhibits. TRAVEL GUIDE | LIMBURG AN DER LAHN. The impeccable medieval town of Limburg an der Lahn features the oldest free-standing house in Germany and the House of Deadly Sins. TRAVEL GUIDE | NAZI PARTY RALLY GROUNDS. The Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg, a deserted Zeppelin airfield, the unfinished Congress Hall, and other structures that once hosted one of history’s most evil man and his devoted followers. TRAVEL GUIDE | NUREMBERG PALACE OF JUSTICE. Evil was on trial in courtroom 600 of the Nuremberg Palace of Justice. TRAVEL GUIDE | SCHWÄBISCH HALL.  A medieval time-capsule of lanes, soaring massive half-timbered houses, and covered bridges that are straight out of a Brothers Grimm fairy-tale. BEST PLACES TO STAY CHALET WEINBERG. This unique upscale minimalist lodging was located in the village of Wurgau on the outskirts of Rothenburg. This accommodation, with separate spacious self-contained apartments, also offered a delicious breakfast (which was included). ADDRESS: Oberer Weinberg 22, 96110 Würgau, Germany. LIMEHOME BAMBERG MAXIMILIANSPLATZ. Modern accommodation in the heart of Bamberg pedestrian zone and near other historical sights. FREE Wifi. Be in the center of the action. ADDRESS: 6 Maximiliansplatz, 96047 Bamberg, Germany. HOTEL NEPOMUK. This historic timber-framed hotel is located on the Obere Mühlbrücke bridge. Scenic views of Bamberg’s old town quarter and FREE Wifi. A unique stay on the water. ADDRESS: Obere Mühlbrücke 9, 96049 Bamberg, Germany. HOTEL WOHNBAR. Eclectic boutique hotel in a historic building in Bamberg’s town center near Little Venice. Combining Franconian and Mediterranean design, each room is unique. ADDRESS: Stangsstrasse 3, 96047 Bamberg, Germany. MONELLO APARTMENTS. Spacious and modern, a 10-minute walk to Old Town. Self-catering apartments with sleeping and living areas. Great for families. ADDRESS: Luitpoldstrasse 34, 96052 Bamberg, Germany. RESOURCES Bamberg City Guide Bamberg UNESCO World Heritage Site Top 10 Things to See and Do in Bamberg, Germany HOME  GERMANY Disclosure: White House Travel is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and Agoda affiliate programs, designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites at no extra cost to you.  

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— UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE REGENSBURG IS A UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE WITH OVER 1200 PROTECTED STRUCTURES Map Regensburg, Germany  Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Regensburg’s historic old town is the largest preserved medieval town north of the Alps.  Regensburg contains over 1200 protected structures including ancient stone bridges and roman ruins.  During WW2, only 13 percent of the town was destroyed.  As a result, Regensburg is like a living time capsule.  If you enjoy culture, history and walking, there is an abundance of places to explore and things to do in Regensburg. A BRIEF HISTORY The first settlements in Regensburg date from the Stone Age.  At the end of the 1st century A.D., the Romans identified Regensburg as a strategic location along the Danube River.  In 179 A.D., under the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Third Legion constructed a new fort called Castro Regina (or the fortress by the river Regen). From 530 A.D. to the first half of the 13th century, Regensburg served as the capital of Bavaria and remained an important city during the reign of Charlemagne. In fact, in 800 A.D. the city had 23,000 inhabitants and by 1000 A.D. the population had almost doubled to 40,000 people. A GAME CHANGING STONE BRIDGE Between 1135 and 1146, a Stone Bridge across the Danube River was built in Regensburg.  Still standing today, this significant bridge opened major international trade routes between northern Europe and Venice. Regensburg was quickly flooded with wealthy trading families.  As such, Regensburg became a major cultural center and earned a reputation for its gold craftsmen and fabrics.  The merchants of Regensburg became incredibly wealthy trading salt along the Danube.  In the 13th century, Regensburg was considered one of the largest cities not only in Germany but in all of Europe.  In 1245, Regensburg broke away from the German empire and became an independent state.  This newfound freedom was short-lived. NAPOLEON Not all wine and roses, Regensburg was overtaken by Napoleon in 1809 during the Battle of Ratisbon.  Once Napoleon’s army exhausted their supplies and ammunition, the devastation and looting of Regensburg followed soon after. Poet Robert Browning described the scene in his poem, “Incident at the French Camp.” WW2 However, Regensburg’s darkest moments were to come while under Nazi occupation. In 1938, the Regensburg Synagogue was destroyed during Kristallnacht with Jews rounded up and expelled from the city. Additionally, Regensburg was also home to a Messerschmitt Bf 109 aircraft factory. The Nazis also operated an oil refinery located near the city as well. Both facilities were destroyed by Allied aircraft in 1943 and 1945, respectively.  Overall, Allied bombs would destroy 13 percent of the city. Fortunately for us, the medieval city center was left almost fully intact. Regensburg is one of several highlights along the Romantikstrasse or Romantic Road — a country route through Bavaria laden with castles and quaint towns. HOW TO SPEND ONE DAY IN REGENSBURG If you enjoy culture, history, and walking and exploring, then you have found your happy place.  If visiting for a limited period, there are several things to do, see, and experience in Regensburg to give you the best flavor for this gorgeous medieval gem of a city. STONE BRIDGE regensburg turismus Completed in 1146, taking a walk across this ancient Stone Bridge is one of the key things to do in Regensburg.  Take the time to walk across the bridge, then enjoy the views of the city of Regensburg on your return.  At sunset or dawn, the views from the stone bridge are magical.  These are also the best times to visit as you will have fewer tourists.  regensburg turismus While crossing the Stone Bridge, look for the Bruckemandl.  In this unique statue, the man is monitoring the construction of the Regensburg Cathedral from the Stone Bridge. ROMAN RUINS Regensburg has several Roman ruins worth investigating as an established Roman military encampment and settlement strategically located along the Danube River.  That said, you will need to do a bit of exploring to find them as they are not readily apparent to the uninformed tourist.  If you enjoy Roman history, then you will want to check out these things to do while in Regensburg. CASTRA REGINA UNDERGROUND EXCAVATIONS In 1995, construction workers were renovating the Neupfarrplatz, a large church square in the Altstadt or Old Town, to install electrical outlets for the annual Christmas Market. To their surprise, archaeologists discovered the well-preserved ruins of Castra Regina, the Roman military camp founded by emperor Marcus Aurelius in 179 AD. They also found Regensburg’s medieval Jewish Quarter, which had been torn down and replaced by a church after the town council expelled the Jews in 1519. Today these excavations make up the underground exhibits of the Document Neupfarrplatz Museum. PORTA PRAETORIA NORTH GATE The Porta Praetoria (the north gate) is the largest Roman structure existing in Bavaria today and can be found en route to the Stone Bridge.  Porta Praetoria served as the main gate to the military encampment and was built in 179 AD during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.  ROMAN FORTIFICATIONS If you prefer your exhibits to be free, then check out the impressive section of a Roman-era stone wall, as well as the northeast and southeast corners of the former Roman Third Legion fortification (that housed 6,000 soldiers). Strange but true, these impressive Roman ruins can be found in the Document Legionslagermauer Exhibit located in the multi-story parking garage in the Dachauplatz. OTHER SITES OF INTEREST Other important architectural monuments well worth investigating in Regensburg include the Golden Tower, the Jakobstor or St. Jame’s Gate, the Neue Waag or New Scales, and the Salzstadel or Salt Warehouse. THE GOLIATH HOUSE wikimedia commons The most recognizable house in the city, the imposing Goliath House was one of the first things medieval merchants likely saw as they crossed the Stone Bridge and entered the city of Regensburg.  Since 1573, a large fresco of David and Goliath has adorned the exterior wall of this house.  The fresco has been restored several times over the centuries.  At one point in 1879, it was almost destroyed when builders tore down portions of the Goliath house to make way for new construction.  Today, the Goliath house is one of the defining structures of medieval Regensburg.  OSKAR SCHINDLER’S HOUSE wikimedia commons Next to the Goliath House, look for the Steuersches Haus.  Little known fact — this was the residence of Oskar Schindler after WW2.  As you are likely aware from Stephen Spielberg’s movie Schindler’s List, Oskar Schindler was a German industrialist who saved 1,200 Jews from execution during WW2. THE ALTES RATHAUS (OLD TOWN HALL)  regensburg turismus Since 1594, town officials have been meeting at this magnificent building to discuss the issues of the day and to govern Regensburg.  The Altes Rathaus is located on the main market square in the heart of the historic old town.  Naturally, there is a medieval torture chamber in the basement.  regensburg turismus Look closely — next to the arched gate are the regulated dimensions for various goods procured at the market.  During medieval times, a klafter would be used to measure a stack of firewood.  Guided tours of the Altes Rathaus can be arranged at the Regensburg Tourist Information Center. BREWERIES AND BEER GARDENS Regensburg has some fantastic breweries and beer gardens well worth investigating.  Here are a few worth checking out: BISCHOFSHOF is located in the former Bishop’s residence next to the Episcopal Church and has been brewing beer since 1649.  ADDRESS: Heitzerstrasse 2, 93049 Regensburg. KNEITINGER BREWERY has been brewing beer in the same location since 1530.  ADDRESS:  Kreuzgasse 7, 93047 Regensburg. WEISSBRAEUHAUS is located in the old town.  The brewmaster concocts his secret recipes in the copper kettles right in front of you.  ADDRESS: Schwarze Bären Straße 6, 93047 Regensburg. SPITALGARTEN is a beer garden located on the opposite side of the Danube.  Enjoy your favorite beverage while taking in magnificent views of Regensburg.  ADDRESS: St. Katharinenplatz 1, 93059 Regensburg. STREET ART TOUR Regensburg has some incredible Street Art and Murals.  The work of street artist GATO-M is all over the city and is well worth checking out.  GATO-M was inspired by the style of famous street artist Banksy.  We encourage you to take a Street Art Tour of Regensburg.  Click here to learn more. FAMOUS HATS AND GORGEOUS DIRNDLS   Are you a Johnny Depp fan?  If so, you will be pleased to know that his hat for his role as the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland was crafted here at the shop of Hütkonig Der Hutmacher.  The hat maker, Andreas Nuslan, is well known for his fine craftsmanship and has made hats for royalty, presidents, and celebrities.  Hütkonig has been making hats continuously since 1875. Looking to buy a dirndl?  Look no further.  There are several upscale shops selling these gorgeous traditional outfits.  OUR EXPERIENCE IN REGENSBURG What’s not to love about a well-preserved walkable medieval trade center along the Danube River? We found the size of Regensburg to be somewhat deceiving, as the medieval center is nestled within modern city blocks.  Once you set foot into the Alt Stadt (Old Town) you quickly get a sense of how impressive Regensburg is.  This is a great place to grab coffee, stroll around, and admire the history around you.  The old city square, although not enormous, is charming and is surrounded by gorgeous architecture. We spent approximately two hours exploring the old town before finding our way to the Stone Bridge. The 1000-year-old bridge was everything that I expected it to be. A smaller similar version of the Charles Bridge in Prague, we took our time crossing it to the other side of the Danube River. About halfway across the Bridge, you can take in a wonderful panoramic and photographic view of the old town. That said, interestingly the opposite bank of the Danube was sparsely populated with few buildings. In returning to our car, we purposely chose to get lost and roam the cobblestone streets and alleys — which we did. What we discovered was magnificent — a handful of upscale shops in the old town offering absolutely stunning high-end traditional Bavarian formal wear for ladies, gentlemen, and children. The Dirndls (a traditional Bavarian dress) were so elegant they looked like something out of a fairy tale, which they very well may have been. In fact, I have never seen anything quite similar throughout our travels. NEAR THIS PLACE TRAVEL GUIDE | ROTHENBURG OB DER TAUBER. Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a fairytale Bohemian town of gingerbread buildings surrounded by an impressive medieval wall located along Germany’s Romantic Road. TRAVEL GUIDE | BAMBERG. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bamberg is a medieval jewel with an impressive Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall), and a network of bridges and Old Town. TRAVEL GUIDE | LIMBURG AN DER LAHN.  The impeccable medieval town of Limburg an der Lahn features the oldest free-standing house in Germany and the House of Deadly Sins. TRAVEL GUIDE | NAZI PARTY RALLY GROUNDS. The Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg, a deserted Zeppelin airfield, the unfinished Congress Hall, and other structures that once hosted one of history’s most evil man and his devoted followers. TRAVEL GUIDE | NUREMBERG PALACE OF JUSTICE. Evil was on trial in courtroom 600 of the Nuremberg Palace of Justice. TRAVEL GUIDE | SCHWÄBISCH HALL.  A medieval time-capsule of lanes, soaring massive half-timbered houses, and covered bridges that are straight out of a Brothers Grimm fairy-tale. BEST PLACES TO STAY HOTEL ORPHEE – GROSSES HAUS. Traditional hotel in a Baroque building in Regensburg’s historic quarter and only a 5-minute walk to the cathedral and Steinerne Brücke bridge. Peaceful rooms with antique furniture, 4-poster beds, and beautiful stucco ceilings and FREE Wifi. ADDRESS: Untere Bachgasse 8, 93047 Regensburg, Germany. BOHEMIAN HOTEL. A charming hotel in a 12th-century building in the heart of the beautiful Old Town of Regensburg, close to all main UNESCO World Heritage sites. Cozy rooms with modern amenities, FREE Wifi, and near parking. ADDRESS: Gesandtenstraße 12, 93047 Regensburg, Germany. EUROSTARS PARK HOTEL MAXIMILIAN. Late 1800s building located in Regensburg’s Old Town district. Features modern, stylish rooms with Neo-Rococo-style façade and Free Wifi. ADDRESS: Maximilianstr. 28, 93047 Regensburg, Germany. HOTEL BISCHOFSHOF AM DOM. A privately-run hotel with unique, historic accommodations in the heart of the picturesque Old Town of Regensburg. Quiet, individually furnished rooms and suites feature period furnishings. Beer garden on site. ADDRESS: Krauterermarkt 3, 93047 Regensburg, Germany. HOTEL ORPHEE ANDREASSTADEL. Stylish hotel in Regensburg located between the Danube and Regen Rivers. Rooms decorated in classical style with FREE Wifi. ADDRESS: Andreasstrasse 26, 93059 Regensburg, Germany. RESOURCES Regensburg Tourist Information Center Regensburg UNESCO World Heritage Site HOME  GERMANY Disclosure: White House Travel is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and Agoda affiliate programs, designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon and affiliated sites at no extra cost to you.  

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